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WNG Chair

Magnus Læssøe Stephensen, 1937

The wings that Magnus Læssøe Stephensen gave the stool became an element that continued to inspire not only his own designs in the coming years, but many other furniture designers. A signature/statement chair for the small stylish studios of the modern metropolis.

Prices from: 9.995 DKK / 1350 EUR / 910 GBP / 795 USD

WNG Chair is the youngest sibling in the family of chairs in Magnus Læssøe Stephensen's design.

Its rounded shape is puffed up with the upholstery, which enhances its childlike chubbiness, and invites you to sit, like a baby elephant tempting you to take a ride on its back





Magnus Læssøe Stephensen


Materials: Upholstery & Oak/Smoked Oak

Standard textiles:

KVADRAT: Vidar 333
NOBILIS: Taiga Taupe - 10946-10
SKANDILOCK sheepskin: Moonlight, Sahara

COM/COL upon request


Magnus Læssøe Stephensen

To his contemporaries Magnus Læssøe Stephensen was known for his particular style. A warm functionalism with tentacles reaching both Bauhaus and Japanese arts and crafts. He had a flair for the Japanese and ancient take on simplicity, and combined that with local Nordic materials – and it is safe to say that his relentless versions and variations of chairs found their way into many homes, where they have survived for generations.

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